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Content Advisory
Awards and Media Exposure


Users With Disabilities
Lots of Jokes attempts to be accessible to anyone. Users who are visually impaired are no exception. Lots of Jokes employs a number of features and design considerations to assist users with disabilities and the technologies they depend on to interpret visual information to speech. If you are a user with a disability and would like to suggest ways Lots of Jokes could improve its support for your disability, we welcome your comments. The features we employ in our site design to assist disabled people include:

  • Content pages use large, highly legible fonts for easy reading.
  • Dividers and large spaces are used to separate segments of content.
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  • Elements such as back buttons, menu items, content warnings and home page icons are placed in a consistent location on all pages throughout Lots of Jokes to ease navigation.


Legal Information
"Lots of Jokes" is a term referring to the entire Lots of Jokes service web site as a whole. This term covers all information in all forms including pictures, text and diagrams transmitted from the service to the end user. This includes, but is not limited to, all content under the domain name "http://www.lotsofjokes.com".

Lots of Jokes is not responsible for incorrect information provided to the user on its service. Information is provided on an "as is" basis. Lots of Jokes makes no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, appropriateness, suitability or usability of the information presented on Lots of Jokes. Use of information provided on Lots of Jokes is at the users own risk. Lots of Jokes accepts no responsibility for any results that may occur directly or indirectly from the use of Information retrieved from Lots of Jokes.

Lots of Jokes will not under any circumstance compensate for any losses suffered, whether physically, financial or in any other form as a result to using the Lots of Jokes service. Lots of Jokes reserves all rights. Users outside North America are recommended to obtain information from their local government as to the lawfulness of using Lots of Jokes prior to accessing.

All information transmitted from the Lots of Jokes service is material protected under international copyright laws. Copying or use of this material without prior written authorization form Lots of Jokes is strictly prohibited and applicable laws will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law.

All joke material contained within Lots of Jokes is i) produced by Lots of Jokes; ii) is submitted by Lots of Jokes users or is iii) extracted from an external source. Under cases ii) and iii) it is presumed by Lots of Jokes, that the material is public domain. All efforts are made to confirm they are not copyrighted material in any way. If you are the legal copyright owner of such material and we have mistakenly published the material on our Lots of Jokes network, please contact our headquarters for further information. Be assured every effort is made to be sure the information provided on the Lots of Jokes service is as accurate and high of quality as possible.


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Lots of Jokes can not be held responsible for the content of external sites our service provides links to. Links to Internet sites other then our own are provided on an "as is" basis and the content provided in them is not endorsed or controlled by Lots of Jokes. Although every measure has been taken to assure the sites we link to are of the highest content quality and reliability, your use of provided links to external sites is at your own risk.

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Use of Material
If you or your organization would like to use content found in Lots of Jokes, prior written authorization from Lots of Jokes is required in the process described below. The following are steps required to obtain a permit to use specified material from Lots of Jokes...

  1. Internet Site: Write a proposal stating the exact material you wish to use; the address of the site it will be included on; whether the site is personal or corporate; whether revenue will be generated from it directly, indirectly or not at all; the general topic of the web site.
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Content Advisory
This document describes the content of Lots of Jokes. Parental guidance is recommended for users of a young age such as below 16. Lots of Jokes contains jokes and other humorous material that attempts to cater to a spectrum of people, tastes and maturity. Due to the nature of such a site, the content may be deemed offensive to some.

Users of Lots of Jokes may be subjected to content containing such things as...

  • Jokes based on religion, geographical location, gender, sexual orientation.

  • Jokes based on midgets, mentally and physically challenged people.

  • Jokes based on people and celebrities in society.

  • Extreme and or excessive foul language.

  • Highly erotic sexual conduct and descriptions of acts.

  • Slang and insults to particular parts of the human anatomy.

  • Recommendations to carry out public acts that are in poor taste.

  • Other topics deemed offensive by the general public.

Users of Lots of Jokes, will not be subjected to any material containing...

  • Racial jokes or hatred.

  • Adult pornographic pictures.

Areas with the most offensive material are labelled "Dirty Jokes Part X" and "Crude Sex Jokes X". These areas contain highly questionable material that only people specifically seeking dirty jokes would find of value. This does not however exclude other sections from content of poor taste.

What If Particular Content Highly Offends Me?
We want to hear from you! Please feel free to send us feedback or write to us about what offends you at Lots of Jokes. Keeping in mind however, what jokes and humor is all about. Something you may find offensive, others may find hilarious. We will always evaluate the comments we receive about appropriateness of content, it usually requires a number of feedback's from various people before material is removed. If we were to remove all the sections single users request to have taken off line, there would no longer be enough content for a site! We recommend if a particular section highly offends you to, send us a feedback form detailing your feelings, and not to use the area in question.

How Do I Know The Area I'm Going To View Has Offensive Material?
In response to feedback about wanting advanced warning of areas containing content of poor taste, swearing and other offensive material, an icon system has been implemented. Placed on the top middle above the category title of all offending pages, the below icons warns users of mature areas.

Warning - Language & Content
  • Strong and highly offensive material suitable only for older viewers.
General to moderately strong content.
  • Material that is generally suitable for most people, but may offend.
Suitable for all family members.
  • Safe for all ages viewing with no offensive content or foul language.

If you feel this does not adequately alert you to potentially offensive content or have suggestions on ways we can improve notification, please do not hesitate to let us know. Note: Even if a page does not have a warning icon, it still may contain what particular people may find offensive content.

Although every effort has been made to make "Jokes for Kids" an area of content which is suitable for viewing by all ages, we recommend parents review the material to confirm it meets the viewing criteria required for their children's use. If you find that any of this material does not meet your standards please contact us via feedback form.

The views and subject matter expressed in the jokes and humor content of this site, are not necessarily those of the site publisher. Lots of Jokes contents does not reflect any of views Lots of Jokes or its employees have. Lots of Jokes is intended as an entertainment only resource and does not provide any factual or instructional information to its users. Viewing and use of the content within the Lots of Jokes network is at the users own risk and discretion.


Awards and Media Exposure
Don't just depend on hit statistics to gauge a web sites popularity and quality of content. An awards showcase like this clearly proves Lots of Jokes is a quality web site that will appeal to a large Internet audience. With ongoing efforts to make Lots of Jokes the very best Jokes and Humor site on the Internet, more awards are sure to make their way into our trophy case.

Yahoo! Pick of the Week
Cool.com Pick of the Day
Web This Week Pick of the Week
CGS Designs Pick of the Week
Jayde.com 1999 Gold Diamond Winner
Humor Search 5 Star Award
LaughMyAssOff.com Site Award
4Anything.com Editors Choice Award
WorldHOT.com Hot Web Site Award
GO.com 3 of 3 Star Award
Content Zone Member Spotlight Feature
Golden Web Awards 2000 - 2001 Golden Web Award
TheAdStop Hot Ad Buy Award
The Toronto Sun 4 Star Rating
eWeek Litter Box Lynx


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