The Millionaire by Ivor Fortune
Looking Forward by Felix Ited
Losing an Electric Drill by Andy Gadget
The Economic Breakfast by Roland Marge
The Naughty Schoolboy by Enid Spanking
How to Get There by Ridya Bike
I've Been Bitten! by A. Flea
The Lost Bet by Henrietta Hart
The Insomniac by Eliza Wake
The Escaping Herd by Gay Topen
Horror Stories by R. U. Scared
Hit on the Head by I. C. Stars
The World of Vegetables by Artie Choak
I'm Absolutely Certain by R. U. Sure
End of the Week by Gladys Friday
My Favourite Sweets by Annie Seedball
Improve Your Target Shooting by Mr Completely
Noisy Nights by Constance Norah
The New Drum by Major Headache
The Embarrassing Moment by Lucy Lastic
