A man walked into a cowboy bar
and ordered a beer just as President Clinton appeared on the
television. After a few sips, he looked up at the television and
mumbled, "Now, there's the biggest horse's ass I've ever
seen." A customer at the end of the bar quickly stood up,
walked over to him, and decked him.
A few minutes later, as the man was finishing his beer, Hillary
Clinton appeared on the television. "She's a horse's ass
too," the man. This time, a customer at the other end of the
bar quickly stood up, walked over to him, and knocked him off his
stool. "Damn it!" the man said, climbing back up to the
bar. "This must be Clinton country!"
"Nope," the bartender replied. "Horse country!"
One night, a Delta twin-engine puddle jumper
was flying somewhere above New Jersey. There were five people on
board: the pilot, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, the Dali Lama, and a
hippie. Suddenly, an illegal oxygen generator exploded loudly in the
luggage compartment, and the passenger cabin began to fill with
smoke. The cockpit door opened, and the pilot burst into the
"Gentlemen," he began, "I have
good news and bad news. The bad news is that we're about to crash in
New Jersey. The good news is that there are four parachutes, and I
have one of them!" With that, the pilot threw open the door and
jumped from the plane.
Michael Jordan was on his feet in a flash.
"Gentlemen," he said, "I am the world's greatest
athlete. The world needs great athletes. I think the world's
greatest athlete should have a parachute!" With these words, he
grabbed one of the remaining parachutes, and hurtled through the
door and into the night.
Bill Gates rose and said, "Gentlemen, I
am the world's smartest man. The world needs smart men. I think the
world's smartest man should have a parachute, too." He grabbed
one, and out he jumped. The Dali Lama and the hippie looked at one
another. Finally, the Dali Lama spoke. "My son," he said,
"I have lived a satisfying life and have known the bliss of
True Enlightenment. You have your life ahead of you; you take a
parachute, and I will go down with the plane."
The hippie smiled slowly and said, "Hey,
don't worry, pop. The world's smartest man just jumped out wearing
my backpack."
Bill Gates died in a car
accident. He found himself in Purgatory being sized up by God...
"Well, Bill, I'm really confused on this call. I'm not sure
whether to send you to Heaven or Hell. After all, you enormously
helped society by putting a computer in almost every home in the
world and yet you created that ghastly Windows 95. I'm going to do
something I've never done before. In your case, I'm going to let you
decide where you want to go!"
Bill replied, "Well, thanks, God. What's the difference between
the two?"
God said, "I'm willing to let you visit both places briefly if
it will help you make a decision." "Fine, but where should
I go first?" God said, "I'm going to leave that up to
you." Bill said, "OK, then, let's try Hell first." So
Bill went to Hell.
It was a beautiful, clean, sandy beach with clear waters. There were
thousands of beautiful women running around, playing in the water,
laughing and frolicking about. The sun was shining and the
temperature was perfect. Bill was very pleased. "This is
great!" he told God, "If this is Hell, I REALLY want to
see Heaven!" "Fine," said God and off they went.
Heaven was a high place in the clouds, with angels drifting about
playing harps and singing. It was nice but not as enticing as Hell.
Bill thought for a quick minute and rendered his decision.
"Hmm, I think I prefer Hell" he told God.
"Fine," retorted God, "as you desire." So Bill
Gates went to Hell.
Two weeks later, God decided to check up on the late billionaire to
see how he was doing in Hell. When God arrived in Hell, he found
Bill shackled to a wall, screaming amongst the hot flames in a dark
cave. He was being burned and tortured by demons. "How's
everything going, Bill?" God asked.
Bill responded - his voice full of anguish and disappointment,
"This is awful, this is not what I expected. I can't believe
this happened. What happened to that other place with the beaches
and the beautiful women playing in the water?"
God says, "That was the screen saver".
Mickey Mouse is having a nasty divorce with
Minnie Mouse. Mickey spoke to the judge about the separation.
"I'm sorry Mickey, but I can't legally separate you two on the
grounds that Minnie is mentally insane..." Mickey replied,
"I didn't say she was mentally insane, I said that she's
fucking goofy!"
Michael Jackson is walking out from the
operating room after his wife gave birth to their son. Michael says
"Hey Doc how long till we can have sex?" The Doctor says
"At least wait till he is walking Michael!!"
Two of Clinton's sperm are swimming around in
Monica, when one of the sperm looks at the other and says," Hey
I think we are coming close to the ovaries"... the other looks
at the other sperm and says," Hey relax we just passed the
One day three midgets decided they wanted to
be in the record books the fist one says "I have pretty short
arms", so he goes and succeeds. The second one says "I
have pretty short legs," so he goes and succeeds. The third one
says "I have a very small penis," and when he comes back
he says "Who the hell is Leonardo DiCaprio?"
A man was walking in the woods and came to a
cottage where the walls were covered with clocks. He asked the woman
who owned the cottage what all the clocks were for. She replied that
everyone in the world had a clock, and every time you told a lie
your clock advanced a second. He saw a clock that was hardly moving
and when he remarked about it he was told that it was Mother
Terisia's. He then asked where Bill Clinton's clock was. The woman
replied "It's in the kitchen, we're using it as a ceiling
Steven Spielberg was busy discussing his new
action adventure about famous classical composers. Bruce Willis,
Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger were in the room.
"Who do you want to play?" Spielberg asked Bruce Willis.
"I've always been a big fan of Chopin," said Bruce.
"I'll play him." "And you, Sylvester?" asked
Spielberg. "Mozart's the one for me!" said Sly. "And
what about you?" Spielberg asked Arnold Schwarzenegger.
"I'll be Bach," said Arnie.
Superman is flying around one day and he's
feeling kinda horny. So he finds Batman sitting on top of a building
and drops down to ask him where the best place to get laid is.
Batman proceeds to tell him that Wonder Woman is a great lay.
Superman then tells him that he couldn't do that to her because they
have been friends for too long and he flies away. Superman then sees
Spider-man swinging around and flies next to him while he's swinging
and asks him who the best piece of ass is. Spider-man tells him that
he hears Wonder Woman is good and tells him to look her up.
Disgruntled Superman takes to the air and flies about. He then
notices Wonder Woman lying in a field naked and spread Eagle. He
thinks I'm faster than a speeding bullet, I can be in and out of
that so fast she'll never know what hit her. So, he flies down does
his business and id 4 seconds he's back in the air flying away.
Wonder Woman looks up and says "What was that?" Invisible
Man says: "I don't know but my ass hurts!"
Lisa Marie's Divorce Allegations Against
Michael Jackson
Wouldn't drink beer, watch football and break
wind with her during Thanksgiving with Mom at Graceland.
Refused her pleas for separate make-up
Unwilling to try new things in bed...like her
for instance.
Elephant Man bones...fine. Oxygen chamber for
eternal youth...well okay. But what's with the Groucho head on Jayne
Mansfield's body thing?
In all their months of marriage not once did
he charter a jet to get her peanut butter sandwiches or fly a mime
troupe in from France like Poppa did for Momma.
Had her favorite noses (June 1994 and
September 1995) done over.
She was shocked to discover that the glittery
uniforms were not actually part of any real military organization.
He started hanging out with Madonna's dancers
to toughen up his image.
Everywhere you turn, Elizabeth Taylor's
supporting you through some sordid allegation.
Stood in the way of her film career when he
refused to bankroll her debut performance in 'Jailbait Rock', the
story of her Mom and Dad's courtship.
The all-night Kool Aid and Twister marathons
with his little friends left him too tired to do that 'hee-hee-hee'
thing she fell in love with.
She felt pressured to buy hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of LaToya's Amway products for the sake
of family peace.
Jermaine and Tito were constantly asking her
why Elvis didn't have kids THEY could marry.
Swears she thought she was marrying Michael
She grew tired of scouring every Chucky
Cheese's within a 50 mile radius only to find him slumped over a
table in yet another chocolate milk and Pez stupor.
He told her to "just beat it" one too many
He's a plain spoken "Hoosier", and she had
clearly gone "Hollywood".
She wanted someone more like her father, and
though he was already a pathetic parody of his former self, he was
just unwilling to gain weight.
He kept forgetting to put the top back on the
Irreconcilable similarities.
Sean Connery was interviewed by Michael
Parkinson, and bragged that despite his 72 years of age, he could
still have sex three times a night. Kylie Minogue, who was also a
guest, looked intrigued. After the show, Kyle said, "Sean, if I am
not being too forward, I'd love to have sex with an older man. Let's
go back to my place."
So they go back to her place and have great
sex. Afterwards, Sean says, "If you think that was good, let me
sleep for half an hour, and we can have even better sex. But while
I'm sleeping, hold my balls in your left hand and my dick in your
right hand." Kylie looks a bit perplexed, but says, "Okay". He
sleeps for half an hour, awakens, and they have even better sex.
Then Sean says, "Kylie, that was wonderful. But if you let me sleep
for an hour, we can have the best sex yet. But again, hold my balls
in your left hand, and my Dick in your right hand." Kylie is now
used to the routine and complies. The results are mind blowing.
Once it's all over, and the cigarettes are
lit, Kylie asks "Sean, tell me, does my holding your balls in my
left hand and your dick in my right stimulate you while you're
sleeping?" Sean replies, "No, but the last time I slept with a slut
from Melbourne, she stole my wallet."
Prince Charles was driving around his mother's
estate when he
accidentally ran over her favourite dog, a Corgi, crushing it to a pulp.
He got out of his Range Rover and sat down on the grass totally
The whole world was against him and now his mother would go ballistic.
Suddenly he noticed a lamp half-buried in the ground. He dug it up,
polished it and immediately a genie appeared.
"You have freed me from thousands of years of imprisonment," said the
genie. "As a reward I shall grant you one wish."
"Well," said the Prince, "I have all the material things I need, but let
me show you this dog."
They walk over to the splattered remains of the dog. "Do you think you
could bring this dog back to life for me?" the Prince asked.
The genie carefully looked at the remains and shook his head.
"This body is too far gone for even me to bring it back to life. Is
there something else you would like?"
The Prince thought for a minute, reached into his pocket and pulled
out two photos. "I was married to this beautiful woman called Diana,"
said Prince Charles, showing the genie the first photo. "But now I
love this woman called Camilla," and he showed the genie the second
"You see Camilla isn't beautiful at all, so do you think you can make
Camilla as beautiful as Diana?"
The genie studied the two photographs and after a few minutes said,
"Let's have a look at that dog again."
When Bill Gates was a young lad he had
a pet crow. He tried teaching the bird to speak, introducing a new word
each day. To his disappointment his black friend would not utter a sound,
until finally one day the bird jumped up on his perch and blurted "Bill
Gates, you will be the richest man in the world some day!" Bill was
totally astonished. He needed to hear more, but the bird would not say
another word. Bill decided to seek professional help. He went to see a
Gypsy tea reader. The old lady looked into the tea leaves and exclaimed,
"yes Bill Gates you will be the richest man in the world if you do this
one simple thing!" Bill could hardly contain himself as he ran home. The
next morning as Bill's mother came down for breakfast she found Bill
cooking something on the stove. " What are you doing, young man?" she
asked. "Well Mother, remember what Blackie told me the other day?" "Yes
Bill, but what are you cooking?" "Well," said Bill, "I went to see the
Gypsy tea reader and she confirmed what the bird told me!" "Wow, that's
great!" said his mother, "But what is in the pot?" "Well, the gypsy lady
told me that I needed to do one small thing to get my wealth!" "Yes Bill
but why are you cooking?" "Well.... She told me I had to make MY CROW

