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Creepy Lesbians

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You can definitely tell who the dominant one is in this weird lesbian relationship. Funny ending.
People Videos - 10330 Times Viewed

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Spoiled Birthday Boy People Videos
Spoiled Birthday Boy
Nobody ever gave me a bloody vehicle for my birthday, unfortunately this jerkoff little snot nosed prick DID get one and didn't appreciate it for a second. Amazing ending, gotta see it.
 Boy Loves Mannequin  People Videos
Boy Loves Mannequin
A curious young boy escapes his mother’s side and she finds him checking out a skanky dressed mannequin.
No More Books  People Videos
No More Books
An ungrateful little kid lets his parents know that he’s not very excited to receive another book on Christmas morning.
Drunk Bicyclist People Videos
Drunk Bicyclist
Hey, at least he didn't drive his car - the guy is totally pie faced!

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