Crude Sex Jokes IV |
Q. What happened to the Pope when he went to
Mount Olive? Q. How can you tell a head nurse? Q. What do you call three lesbians in bed
together? Q. What do you call hemorrhoids on a fag? Q. What is the lightest thing in the world? Q. What do gay kids get for Christmas? Q. Where do fags park? Q. Difference between a man buying a lottery
ticket and a man fighting with his wife... Q. What does a female snail say during sex? Q. What is the noisiest thing in the world? Q. What's red and blue with a long string? Q. What do you call an adolescent rabbit? Q. Define "Egghead:" Q. How can you tell if you have acne? Q. Did you know they just discovered a new use
for sheep in New Zealand? Q. What's a necrophiliac's
biggest complaint about sex? Q. What did the woman say to her
swimming instructor? Q. Why did the lumber truck stop? Q. Why did the woman get thrown
out of the riding stable? Q. Hey, what's sticky, white and
falls from the sky? Q. How did the tugboat get AIDS? Q. How can you tell a sumo
wrestler from a feminist? Q. What's the difference between
a bandleader and a gynecologist? Q. Do you know what the square
root of 69 is? Q. What is the difference between
"Oooh!" and "Aaah!"? Q. What do you do in case of
fallout? Q. Why do women have two holes so
close together? Q. When does a Cub Scout become a
Boy Scout?
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