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Fish Not Frightened

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This cat has taken one too many shots to the head to pose any real danger for these fish.
Animal Videos - 8218 Times Viewed

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Adorable Dog and Baby Animal Videos
Adorable Dog and Baby
Dogs and babies are often both adorable on their own but in this video they break your heart together.
Deer Vs Dog Animal Videos
Deer Vs Dog
An innocent dog gets completely run over by a speeding deer and is left wondering what in the hell just happened?
Doggy Feeding Pandemonium  Animal Videos
Doggy Feeding Pandemonium
Forget about Caesar Millan, this dude can control 100 dogs easier than the self proclaimed dog whisperer can handle one.
Lazer Point Pain Animal Videos
Lazer Point Pain
Teasing a cat with a lazer pointer is one thing but when doing so with a doberman you best be a little more careful of other people's saftey.

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