: The jokes contained in this section are not racial, but rather a
humorous look at various origins of people. It is not intended to offend or racially slur any
particular race. Lots of Jokes does NOT endorse or provide racial
jokes and does not promote any racial activities or attitudes in any
A British Man, a French man, and an American
man are on a safari in Africa, and they are taken prisoner by a
savage group of villagers. As they're being brought to the village,
they are told that death was their only option, however, they each
had their choice of the method they would use to kill themselves.
The British man requested a pistol, and cried out "Long live
the queen!" as he blew his brains out. The two others watched
in horror as the savages flayed the man and made his skin into a
canoe. The French man was next, and he requested a Saber. "Vive
le France" was what he cried out as he disemboweled himself.
The American guy watched again what they did with his body, as they
made his skin into a canoe. The last guy, the American guy requested
a fork in which to kill himself. As soon as it was handed to him, he
started stabbing himself violently as he screamed "So much for
your fucking canoe!"
Two Irishmen walk into a pet shop. Right away
they go over to the bird section. Gerry says to Paddy, "Dat's
dem". The clerk comes over and asks if he can help them.
"Yeah, we'll take four of dem dere birds in dat cage op dere,"
says Gerry, "Put dem in a peeper bag." The clerk does and
the two guys pay for the birds and leave the shop.
They get into Gerry's van and drive until they are high up in the
hills and stop at the top of a cliff with a 500-foot drop. "Dis
looks loike a grand place, eh?" says Gerry. "Oh, yeh, dis
looks good," replies Paddy.
They flip a coin and Gerry wins the toss. "I guess I git to go
first, eh Paddy?" says Gerry. He then takes two birds out of
the bag, places them on his shoulders and jumps off the cliff.
Paddy watches as his mate drops off the edge and goes straight down
for a few seconds followed by a 'SPLAT'. As Paddy looks over the
edge of the cliff he shakes his head and says, "Fock dat, dis
budgie jumpin' is
too fockin' dangerous for me"
A minute later, Seamus arrives. He too has been to the pet shop and
he walks up carrying the familiar 'peeper bag'. He pulls a parrot
out of the bag, and then Paddy notices that, in his other hand,
Seamus is carrying a gun.
Hi, Paddy. Watch this," Seamus says and launches himself over
the edge of the cliff. Paddy watches as half way down, Seamus takes
the gun and blows the parrot's head off. Seamus continues to plummet
until there is a SPLAT!, as he joins Gerry's remains at the bottom.
Paddy shakes his head and says, "An' oim never troyin' dat
parrotshooting nider"
A few minutes after Seamus splats himself Sean strolls up. He too
has been to the pet shop and he walks up carrying the familiar
'peeper bag'. Instead of a parrot he pulls a chicken out of the bag,
and launches himself of the cliff with the usual result. Once more
Paddy shakes his head - "Fock me Sean, first der was Gerry wit
his budgie jumping, den Seamus parrot shooting and now you blimmin'
hen gliding"
An Irishman, a Mexican and a redneck were
doing construction work on the scaffolding of a tall building. They
were eating lunch. The Irishman said, "Corned beef and cabbage!
If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch, I'm going
to jump off this building."
The Mexican opened his lunch box and exclaimed, "Burritos
again! If I get burritos one more time, I'm going to jump off
too." The redneck opened his lunch and said, "Bologna
again. If I get a bologna sandwich one more time, I'm jumping
Next day the Irishman opens his lunch box, sees corned beef and
cabbage and jumps to his death. The Mexican opens his lunch, sees a
burrito and jumps too. The redneck opens his lunch, sees the bologna
and jumps to his death as well.
At the funeral, the Irishman's wife is weeping. She says, "I
I'd known how really tired he was of corned beef and cabbage, I
never would have given it to him again!" The Mexican's wife
also weeps and says, "I could have given him tacos or
enchiladas! I didn't realize he hated burritos so much."
Everyone turned and stared at the redneck's wife. "Hey, don't
look at me," she said. "He makes his own lunch."
President Bill Clinton called Jean Chretien
with a pressing emergency:
"Our largest condom factory has exploded!" the American
President cried, "My people's favorite form of birth
control! This is a true disaster!" "Bill, da Canajian
pipple would be 'appy to do anyt'ing wit'in der power to 'elp
you," replied the Prime Minister. "I do need your
help," said Clinton. "Could you possibly send us 1,000,000
condoms ASAP to tide us over?"
"Certainement! I will get on hit right haway." said Jean.
"Oh, and one more small favor, please?" said President
"Could the condoms be red, white and blue, and at least
10" long and 4" in diameter?" asked Clinton.
"No prob'lem," replied the Prime Minister, and with that,
Chretien hung up and called the president of Trojan.
"I need a favor. You got to make 1,000,000 condoms right haway,
an sen'em to Hamerica."
"Consider it done," said the President of Trojan.
"Great! Now listen mon ami. Dey haf to be bleu, blanc 'n rouge
in color; hat least 10 hinches long, and 4 hinches in dia'
"That's easily done. Anything else?"
"Yes," said the Prime Minister, "an print on dem MADE
A German, an Australian, and a Mexican are on
a plane. They say that they can tell where they are by sticking
their hands out of the pane. The German sticks his hand out and says
"We are in Germany". The others ask, "How do you
know", the German says, "Cuz' it's so cold". Then the
Australian sticks his hand out and says "We are in
Australia", the others ask "How do you know", he
replies "Cuz' it's so warm". Then the Mexican sticks his
hand out and back in. He says " We are in Mexico", the
others ask "How do you know", he says " Cuz' my watch
in gone".

