Rednecks seem to have a slightly different view of medical term definitions than the rest of us, lets have a look at a few...
Artery = The study of painting
Bacteria = The back door of the cafeteria
Barium = What doctors do when the patients die
Caesarean Section = A neighborhood in Rome
Cat Scan = Looking for Socks
Cauterize = Made eye contact with her
Dilate = Live long
Hangnail = Coathook
Impotent = Distingquished and well known
Labor Pain = Getting hurt at work
Morbid = A higher offer
Nitrates = Cheaper than day rates
Node = Was aware of
Papsmear = A paternity test
Pelvis = A cousin to Elvis
Postoperative = Mail carrier
Recovery Room = A place to do upholstery
Seizure = A Roman emperor
Terminal Illness = Getting sick at the airport
Tumor = An additional pair
Urine = Opposite of you're out
Varicose = Nearby
Vein =Conceited
