Waiter, there is a fly in my wine ! Well you did ask for something with a little body in it!
Waiter, Waiter there's a fly in my ice-cream ! Gee I did not know that they had started winter sports so early in the year !
Waiter, is there soup on the menu ? No, madam I wiped it off !
Waiter, there's a fly in my custard ! I'll fetch him a spoon sir !
Waiter, there is a cockroach on my steak ! They don't seem to care what they eat do they sir !
Waiter, there is a maggot in my soup ! Don't worry sir, he won't last long in there !
Waiter, there is a spider drowning in my soup ! It hardly looks deep enough to drown in sir !
Waiter, there is a worm on my plate ! That's not a worm sir, it's your sausage ?
Waiter: Why are you taking so long to order? Diner: I can't decide whether I want heartburn or nausea.
Waiter: Why didn't you make all the food on that long order? Cook: Because I'm a short order cook.
Q: How many Waiters does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, even a burned out bulb can't catch a waiters eye
"Waiter ! Have you got frogs' legs ? " "No, sir, I always walk this way"
Diner: Waiter, please close the window. Waiter: Why, is there a draft? Diner: Yes, it's blown my steak off the plate three times.
Patron: How come this fly is swimming in my soup? Waiter: I gave you too much. It should be wading.
Patron: This bread is stale. Waiter: It wasn't last week.
Patron: Waiter, why is there a spider in my glass? Waiter: It scares away the flies.
Waiter (serving soup): It looks like rain today. Patron: Yes it does, but it smells like soup.
Waiter: If you know the food here is so lousy, why do you keep coming back? Customer: It reminds me of my ex-wife's cooking.
Waiter: I'm sorry I spilled a glass of water on you. Diner: That's all right. My suit is too large anyway.
Waiter: I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Your soup will be ready soon. Customer: What bait are you using?
