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Pictured : Lots of Jokes 1998 - 2000

Lots of Jokes was established in 1998 originally part of an entertainment portal called the Visca Entertainment Network. The popularity of the joke section skyrocketed shortly after its release signalling the need for Lots of Jokes to have its own dedicated site. Pictured above is the original look of Lots of Jokes for the first few years of operation.


Pictured : Lots of Jokes 2001 - 2002

Over the first three years, Lots of Jokes enjoyed enormous success gaining recognition of being a major player in online humor and comedy. Receiving hundreds of compliments from joke enthusiasts worldwide, industry awards and popularity ratings putting Lots of Jokes in the top 800 Internet web sites. Pictured above is the current look and feel Lots of Jokes launched in June of 2001.

Welcome, and thank-you for visiting Lots of Jokes! Since back in 1998 our goal has been to provide the very best selection of high quality jokes on the Internet. We want Lots of Jokes to be your first choice when looking for the latest and greatest jokes. We encourage this with content that is always fresh and different from the other "clone" joke sites. Our colourful, easy to use interface is perfect for guiding you through the hundreds of different areas, and growing, of jokes on offer.

The Latest Jokes section lets you in on all the newest stuff we've found or have had submitted to us, before it goes into all our categories. You too can submit jokes for us to add, so others can enjoy them by going to the Submit a Joke page. We also have many other innovative features like the Boss Button and Find Jokes to further enhance your experience. However, don't just take our proud word of what Lots of Jokes is like, our Yahoo, Jayde, Humor Search, 4Anything.Com, Cool.Com, FunnyJokes.Com and Web This Week awards say a lot too!

Jokes are a great thing to know. There are many social situations that jokes come in handy. Whether you're in the office needing water cooler conversation, wanting to be the life of the party or need that perfect ice breaker in a room full of people you have no idea what to say to. We attempt at Lots of Jokes to cater to all these situations with as much variety as possible to suite any situation you could possibly end up in.

Many people ask how do you remember jokes? They say as soon as people tell them a joke, its in one ear and right out the other. Well, our suggestion is that you pick your three all time favorites, write them down or print them, and attempt to say them at least a couple times that week to whoever you know. Its all about repetition. After you have successfully remembered the first three with no problem, it is much easier to start remembering subsequent jokes as many jokes have a theme to how you say them (many have something that happens after three scenarios, example, "and then the third girl, who was the blonde yelled....potatoes!").

There is a lot on offer here, and we hope you enjoy each and every stay at Lots of Jokes. If you have any questions, comments, recommendations, please feel free to fill out a feedback form which we would be happy to respond to. We always look forward to any feedback we get from our users, which helps greatly in shaping the future of the site. Again, thank-you for visiting our web site, and I hope to see you again soon.

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