Yo mama so short she has to use a ladder to pick up a dime.
Yo mama so poor she was in K-Mart with a box of Hefty bags. I said, "What ya doin'?" She said, "Buying luggage."
Yo mama so poor she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it air conditioning.
Yo mama so tall she tripped over a rock and hit her head on the moon.
Yo mama so tall she tripped in Michigan and hit her head in Florida.
Yo mama so bald even a wig wouldn't help!
Yo mama so bald you can see whats on her mind
Yo mama so poor she can't afford to pay attention!
Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell she says,"DING!"
Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.
