How do you know if you're in love, lust, or
LOVE when your eyes meet
across a crowded room
LUST when your tongues meet across a crowded
MARRIAGE when your belt won't meet around your
waist, and you don't care
LOVE when intercourse is called making love
LUST all other times
MARRIAGE what's intercourse?
LOVE when you argue over how many children to
LUST When you argue over who gets the wet spot
MARRIAGE when you argue over money
LOVE when you share everything you own
LUST when you think twice about giving your
partner bus money
MARRIAGE when the bank owns everything
LOVE when it doesn't matter if you don't climax
LUST when the relationship is over if you don't
MARRIAGE what's a climax?
LOVE when you phone each other just to say
LUST when you phone each other just to organize
MARRIAGE when you phone each other to find out
what time your son's game starts
LOVE when you write poems about your partner
LUST when all you write is your phone number
MARRIAGE when all you write are check's
LOVE when you show concern for your partners'
LUST when you couldn't give a rip
MARRIAGE when your only concern is what's on TV
LOVE when your farewell is "I love you
LUST when your farewell is "So, same time
next week?"
MARRIAGE when your farewell is silent
LOVE when you are proud to be seen in public
with your partner
LUST when you only ever see each other in the
MARRIAGE when you never see each other awake
LOVE when your heart flutters every time you see
LUST when your groin twitches every time you see
MARRIAGE when your wallet empties every time you
see them
LOVE when nobody else matters
LUST when nobody else knows
MARRIAGE when everybody else matters and you
don't care who knows
LOVE when all the songs on the radio describe
exactly how you feel
LUST when it's just the same mushy old crap
MARRIAGE when you never listen to music
LOVE when breaking up is something you try not
to think about
LUST when staying together is something you try
not to think about
MARRIAGE when just getting through today is your
only thought
LOVE when you're interested in everything your
partner does
LUST when you're only interested in one thing
MARRIAGE when you're not interested in what your
partner does and the one thing you're interested in is your golf

